Held Design

A Big Blue Cock in Trafalgar Square…

Well I have always said when they do it in London they do it right!

Who wants a lady bathing in public or her haggard sister pushing a wheel barrow not to mention the over sized sewing needle, when you can have a bronzed boy on a rocking horse and a great big blue cockeral?

The next two commissions for London’s Trafalgar Square will include a bronze figure of a boy on a rocking horse by artists Elmgreen & Dragset and a large ultramarine cockerel by Katharina Fritsch…

Berlin and London-based artists Elmgreen & Dragset will unveil their sculpture “Powerless Structure” in 2012; while Fritsch’s sculpture “Hahn/Cock” will appear in 2013.

I am not one who professes to know much about public art outside of whether I like the piece or not. All art by nature is subjective and what I like is likely not what the person next to me will find arousing, so lets see how the cock fairs!

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